Tracing HTLoadAnchorToChunk...

Code like this:

     anchor = HTAnchor_findAddress(url);
     request = HTRequest_new();
     chunk = HTLoadAnchorToChunk(anchor, request);

produces the trace below. From what (little) I can make out of this, the
request seems to die because the socket would block,
and I called HTProfile_newNoCacheClient() to init the library. I didn't
think this would be a problem, since I needed PUT and POST
to work, along with GET, etc. I'm on a Mac, so a preemptive client is not
too much of a problem, but I'd rather have control while
waiting for a request to complete when I can. I also do not want anything
cached. So much data will be passing over the wire that
a cache would be useless in very short order.

Am I correct? Is the request dieing because the client was initialized to
be non-preemptive? What should I do to fix this?


Request..... Created 0x0d0a4b28
ChunkStream. Chunk 0x0d0a4c68 created with max size 0
HTAccess.... Accessing document
Net Before.. calling 0x0d08e720 (request 0x0d0a4b28, context 0x00000000)
Net Before.. calling 0x0d08e728 (request 0x0d0a4b28, context 0x00000000)
Net Before.. calling 0x0d08e6f8 (request 0x0d0a4b28, context 0x00000000)
URL Tree.... did NOT find `w3c-AA'
Credentials. verified
Net Before.. calling 0x0d08ebf0 (request 0x0d0a4b28, context 0x00000000)
URL Tree.... did NOT find `w3c-pep'
Net Before.. calling 0x0d08e730 (request 0x0d0a4b28, context 0x00000000)
Net Object.. 0x0d0a4f18 created with hash 0
Net Object.. starting request 0x0d0a4b28 (retry=1) with net object
HTTP........ Looking for `'
HTDoConnect. Looking up `'
Event....... Created event 0x0d0a4d38 with context 0x0d0a5a10, priority 20,
 and timeout -1
Event....... Created event 0x0d0a5ab8 with context 0x0d0a5a10, priority 20,
 and timeout -1
Event....... Created event 0x0d0a5ad8 with context 0x0d0a5a10, priority 20,
 and timeout -1
Host info... added `' with host 0x0d0a5a10 to list
Host info... Add Net 0x0d0a4f18 (request 0x0d0a4b28) to pipe, 1 requests
made, 1 requests in pipe, 0 pending
HTHost...... No ActivateRequest callback handler registered
HTHost 0x0d0a5a10 going to state TCP_CHANNEL.
HTHost 0x0d0a5a10 going to state TCP_DNS.
DNS Add..... `' with 1 home(s) to 0x0d0a5c10
ParseInet... as port 80 on with 1 homes
HTHost 0x0d0a5a10 going to state TCP_NEED_SOCKET.
Socket...... Created 3
Net Manager. Increasing active sockets to 1, 0 persistent sockets
Socket...... Non-blocking socket
Channel..... Hash value is 3
Channel..... Added 0x0d0a5dc0 to list 0x0d0a5db0
Reader...... Created reader stream 0x0d0be320
HTHost 0x0d0a5a10 going to state TCP_NEED_CONNECT.
Request..... Delete 0x0d0a4b28
Request..... Deleting dangling output stream
Chunkstream. FREEING...
Net Object.. Kill ALL Net objects!!!
Net Object.. Killing 0x0d0a4f18
Error....... Add  59    Severity: 1 Parameter: `Unspecified'    Where:
HTTP Clean.. Called with status -902, net 0x0d0a4f18
Net Object.. Delete 0x0d0a4f18 and call AFTER filters
Host info... Remove 0x0d0a4f18 from pipe
Host Object. closing socket 3
Channel..... Semaphore set to 0 for channel 0x0d0a5dc0
Channel..... Delete 0x0d0a5dc0 with semaphore 0
Buffer...... ABORTING...
Socket read. FREEING....
Socket write FREEING....
Net Manager. Decreasing active sockets to 0, 0 persistent sockets
Channel..... Deleted 0x0d0a5dc0, socket 3
Host info... removed host 0x0d0a5a10 as persistent
Net Object.. Remove object 0x0d0a4f18
Response.... Created 0x0d0a0318

Received on Tuesday, 15 December 1998 15:25:13 UTC