No desire for event loops

  Is there a way to leave the even loop started by HTEventList_loop()
and restart it later?  I have tried using HTEventList_stopLoop()
inside the terminate_handler but seems to leave the library in a 
state that does not allow the event loop to be restarted.  The 
documentation seems to support this observation when it says that
no further library calls will be possible.

  Let me describe what I am trying to do because I am approaching
it incorrectly.  The program needs to (in order):
  1. post form data to a http server and ignore the returned information
     (might be nice to check for errors but is not really that important)
  2. post another form to the http server and save the returned information
     to a file
  3. quit the event loop
  4. do some other work
  5. return to 1

  I can get steps 1-4 to work but when the program tries to repeat these
steps it does not wait for a response from the server.  Using tcpdump
I can see the commands are sent.  Any suggestions would be greatly 


Kent Vander Velden

Received on Friday, 20 November 1998 20:33:02 UTC