Segfault in w3c with PUT

Hello I'm runing the commandline tool from Libwww 5.1m
and testing HTTP PUT.  When ever the file I'm testing is
around or over 2MB, w3c segfaults...

>./w3c -put test_data -dest http://merced/destination
 EventOrder.. no event found for socket 4, type HTEvent_WRITE.
 WARNING: Fatal Error: Data transfer interrupted

 Segmentation fault

Is there a workaround or fix for this?

Here's a bit of debug information

./w3c -vsop -put test_data -dest http://merced/destination

Host........ Setting event timeout to 10000 ms
Net After... Add 0x400204a0 with order 0 tmplate `<null>' code 1 context
ChunkStream. Chunk 0x80513c8 created with max size 0
HTAccess.... Accessing document
Net Before.. calling 0x4005e0b0 (request 0x804bf30, context (nil))
Net Before.. calling 0x4005dfe0 (request 0x804bf30, context (nil))
Net Object.. 0x8051450 created with hash 0
Net Object.. starting request 0x804bf30 (retry=1) with net object 0x8051450
HTLoadFile.. Looking for `file:/usr/src/w3c-libwww-5.1m/ComLine/src/test_data'
Node........ `file:/usr/src/w3c-libwww-5.1m/ComLine/src/test_data' means
path `/usr/src/w3c-libwww-5.1m/ComLine/src/test_data'
Event....... Created event 0x8051e68 with context 0x8051ff8, priority 20,
and timeout 10000
Event....... Created event 0x8051e80 with context 0x8051ff8, priority 20,
and timeout 10000
Event....... Created event 0x8051e98 with context 0x8051ff8, priority 20,
and timeout 10000
Host info... added `localhost' with host 0x8051ff8 to list 0x8051400
Host info... Add Net 0x8051450 (request 0x804bf30) to pipe, 1 requests
made, 1 requests in pipe, 0 pending
HTHost...... No ActivateRequest callback handler registered
Load File... Found `/usr/src/w3c-libwww-5.1m/ComLine/src/test_data'
File mode is 0100664, uid=0, gid=0. My uid=0, 4 groups ( 0 101 110 200)
HTFileOpen.. `/usr/src/w3c-libwww-5.1m/ComLine/src/test_data' opened using
NON-blocking socket
Channel..... Hash value is 3
Channel..... Added 0x8052238 to list 0x8051418
Reader...... Created reader stream 0x8052268
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for www/unknown to */*
Response.... Created 0x805a3b8
Error....... Add   2    Severity: 8    Parameter: `Unspecified'   Where:
HTLoadFile.. Returning
Host Event.. READ passed to `/usr/src/w3c-libwww-5.1m/ComLine/src/test_data'
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 3
GUESSING.... Result of content analysis: Text=0% Newlines=0% Ctrl=100% High=0%
Guessed..... Content-Type `application/octet-stream'
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for application/octet-stream to */*
StreamStack. Source output
Host Event.. READ passed to `/usr/src/w3c-libwww-5.1m/ComLine/src/test_data'
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 3
Host Event.. READ passed to `/usr/src/w3c-libwww-5.1m/ComLine/src/test_data'
Read Socket. 32768 bytes read from socket 3
Host Event.. READ passed to `/usr/src/w3c-libwww-5.1m/ComLine/src/test_data'
Host Event.. READ passed to `/usr/src/w3c-libwww-5.1m/ComLine/src/test_data'
Read Socket. 12288 bytes read from socket 3
Host Event.. READ passed to `/usr/src/w3c-libwww-5.1m/ComLine/src/test_data'
Read Socket. FIN received on socket 3
Net Object.. Delete 0x8051450 and call AFTER filters
Host Object. closing socket 3
Channel..... Delete 0x8052238 with semaphore 1
Chunkstream. FREEING...
Channel..... Semaphore decreased to 0 for channel 0x8052238
Host info... removed host 0x8051ff8 as persistent
Host info... Remove 0x8051450 from pipe
Net Object.. Remove object 0x8051450
Net After... calling 0x400204a0 (request 0x804bf30, response 0x805a3b8,
status 200, context 0x8051350)
HTAccess.... Accessing document http://merced/destination
Response.... Delete 0x805a3b8
Net Before.. calling 0x4005e130 (request 0x804bf30, context (nil))
Net Before.. calling 0x4005e0b0 (request 0x804bf30, context (nil))
Net Before.. calling 0x4005e950 (request 0x804bf30, context (nil))
URL Tree.... did NOT find `w3c-AA'
Credentials. verified
Net Before.. calling 0x4005fdd0 (request 0x804bf30, context (nil))

URL Tree.... did NOT find `w3c-pep'
Net Before.. calling 0x4005dfe0 (request 0x804bf30, context (nil))
Net Object.. 0x8051450 created with hash 1
Net Object.. starting request 0x804bf30 (retry=2) with net object 0x8051450
HTTP........ Looking for `http://merced/destination'
HTDoConnect. Looking up `merced'
Event....... Created event 0x80520d0 with context 0x805a4f8, priority 20,
and timeout 10000
Event....... Created event 0x80520e8 with context 0x805a4f8, priority 20,
and timeout 10000
Event....... Created event 0x8051e00 with context 0x805a4f8, priority 20,
and timeout 10000
Host info... added `merced' with host 0x805a4f8 to list 0x80513b8
Host info... Add Net 0x8051450 (request 0x804bf30) to pipe, 1 requests
made, 1 requests in pipe, 0 pending
HTHost...... No ActivateRequest callback handler registered
HTHost 0x805a4f8 going to state TCP_CHANNEL.
HTHost 0x805a4f8 going to state TCP_DNS.
Looking up merced
DNS Add..... `merced' with 1 home(s) to 0x8051e38
ParseInet... as port 80 on with 1 homes
HTHost 0x805a4f8 going to state TCP_NEED_SOCKET.
Socket...... Created 4
Net Manager. Increasing active sockets to 1, 0 persistent sockets
Socket...... Turned off Nagle's algorithm
Socket...... Non-blocking socket
Channel..... Hash value is 4
Channel..... Added 0x805a738 to list 0x805a728
Reader...... Created reader stream 0x805a778
Socket...... TCP send buffer size is 65535 for socket 4
Contacting merced
HTHost 0x805a4f8 going to state TCP_NEED_CONNECT.
HTDoConnect. WOULD BLOCK `merced'
Host Event.. WRITE passed to `http://merced/destination'
HTHost 0x805a4f8 going to state TCP_CONNECTED.
HTHost 0x805a4f8 connected.
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for text/x-http to */*
Tee......... Created stream 0x8072988 with resolver 0x400336a0
HTTP........ Dumping request to `w3chttp.out'
Host Event.. FLUSH passed to `http://merced/destination'
HTTP........ Generating HTTP/1.x Request Headers
HTTP........ Generating General Headers
MIME........ Generating Entity Headers
Buffer...... Flushing 0x8062798
Write Socket 277 bytes written to 4
Uploading... Holding 0x804bf30 request for 2000 ms
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 4
Host Event.. READ passed to `http://merced/destination'
Read Socket. 25 bytes read from socket 4
Response.... Created 0x8072b30
Host info... New mode is 1 for host 0x805a4f8
Net Manager. 1 active sockets, increasing persistent sockets to 1
Host info... added host 0x805a4f8 as persistent
Net Object.. Persistent connection set ON succeeded
StreamStack. Constructing stream stack for message/x-rfc822-cont to www/debug
Host........ passing 23 bytes as consumed to 0x805a778
Host........ 2 bytes remaining 
Host........ passing 2 bytes as consumed to 0x805a778
Host........ 0 bytes remaining 
MIME........ FREEING....
Read Socket. CONTINUE
HTTP........ Continuing
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 4
Uploading... Flushing 0x805a468 with timer 0x8072a90
Posting Data from callback function
Write Socket 55480 bytes written to 4
Write Socket WOULD BLOCK 4 (offset 55480)
Buffer...... Increasing buffer to 1966050 bytes
Posting Data Target is SAVED
Buffer...... Waiting 30ms on 0x8062798
Buffer...... Timeout flushing 0x8062798 with timer 0x80627c8
Write Socket 55480 bytes written to 4
Write Socket WOULD BLOCK 4 (offset 110960)
Host Event.. WRITE passed to `http://merced/destination'
Host Event.. FLUSH passed to `http://merced/destination'
Buffer...... Flushing 0x8062798
Write Socket 55480 bytes written to 4
Write Socket WOULD BLOCK 4 (offset 166440)
Uploading... Holding 0x804bf30 request for 2000 ms
Host Event.. WRITE passed to `http://merced/destination'
Host Event.. FLUSH passed to `http://merced/destination'
Buffer...... Flushing 0x8062798
Write Socket 32120 bytes written to 4
Write Socket 1460 bytes written to 4
Write Socket WOULD BLOCK 4 (offset 1915520)
Host Event.. WRITE passed to `http://merced/destination'

Host Event.. FLUSH passed to `http://merced/destination'
Buffer...... Flushing 0x8062798
Write Socket 30080 bytes written to 4
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 4
Host Event.. WRITE passed to `http://merced/destination'
Host Event.. FLUSH passed to `http://merced/destination'
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 4
Host Event.. WRITE passed to `http://merced/destination'
Host Event.. FLUSH passed to `http://merced/destination'
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 4
Host Event.. WRITE passed to `http://merced/destination'
Host Event.. FLUSH passed to `http://merced/destination'
Read Socket. WOULD BLOCK fd 4
Uploading... Flushing 0x805a468 with timer 0x80627f8
Posting Data from callback function
Write Socket 54020 bytes written to 4
Write Socket WOULD BLOCK 4 (offset 54020)
Posting Data Target is SAVED
Buffer...... Waiting 30ms on 0x8062798
EventOrder.. no event found for socket 4, type HTEvent_WRITE.
Request..... Delete 0x804bf30
Net After. Delete All filters
Response.... Delete 0x8072b30
Net Object.. Kill ALL Net objects!!!
Net Object.. Killing 0x8051450
Error....... Add  59    Severity: 1    Parameter: `Unspecified'   Where:
HTTP Clean.. Called with status -902, net 0x8051450
Buffer...... ABORTING...
FileWriter.. ABORTING...
Net Object.. Delete 0x8051450 and call AFTER filters
Host Object. keeping persistent socket 4
Channel..... Delete 0x805a738 with semaphore 1
Buffer...... ABORTING...
Channel..... Semaphore decreased to 0 for channel 0x805a738
Host info... Remove 0x8051450 from pipe
Net Object.. Remove object 0x8051450
Net After... calling 0x4005fe70 (request 0x804bf30, response 0x8072b30,
status -902, context (nil))
Net After... calling 0x4005e590 (request 0x804bf30, response 0x8072b30,
status -902, context (nil))
HTError..... Generating message
WARNING: Fatal Error: Data transfer interrupted

Load End.... Request ended with code -902
Net After... calling 0x8049a50 (request 0x804bf30, response 0x8072b30,
status -902, context (nil))
HTError..... Generating message
Request..... Delete 0x40104c94
Segmentation fault

Matt Bohnsack                Engineering Animation, Inc.   

Received on Wednesday, 29 July 1998 13:27:44 UTC