Question about documentation...?

I'm trying to incorporate the library into a Windows NT 4.0 Server
service - basically a customized web server that only handles certain
request methods and content-types.  It also needs to be able to parse
out multipart-encoded forms as well as basic authentication and possibly
a custom encoder/decoder for PGP processing.

I'm also wanting to use the library for the client-side of this web
server - PGP encryption/decryption, authentication, and
multipart-encoding of data.

The problem comes in that I have a very tight schedule, and don't have
time to dig through the source code to try and sort out what arguments
are what, what is valid or not, or spend countless hours trying to tear
apart the sample source code with little or no documentation on what is
being called and why...

Is there any documentation - anywhere, any format - that acts as a
tutorial for libwww... For instance, a *good* function reference (not
the header files), maybe tutorials that explain how to use the library?


Robert Bates                #ifdef _LITIGATORS_PRESENT_    #include <std_disclaimer.h>         #endif

Received on Thursday, 6 March 1997 10:00:49 UTC