How to handle Broken Pipe

While testing my server which is based on the Mini Server, I ran into this problem:  If I issue a request for a document from the browser and, then hit the 'Stop' button while the document being transferred then I have a broken pipe.  This occurs in HTWriter_write (HTStream * me, CONST char * buf, int len)

below is the line which adds the error into the request's error list

HTRequest_addSystemError(request,  ERR_FATAL, socerrno, NO, "NETWRITE");

which generates:

Error Add... number:  44        Severity: 1     Parameter: `NETWRITE: Broken pipe'      Where: `NETWRITE'

Why didn't SetSignal() do what it supposed to do?  and how would I handle it?


Vu Nguyen

Received on Thursday, 15 February 1996 18:06:15 UTC