Re: mswin: Win32 port

> Interested in contributing to the MSWin port.

I have set up a WIT discussion site for Windows people interested in
helping with the windows port. Our goal has been to have a port for Win NT
and we now do thanks to Charlie Brooks at osf. Even though this doesn't imply
a port to win32 we _are_ interested in helping with this which is the reason
for setting up WIT - of course if can also be used for other discussions as
well! As you all know 3.1 will go into public domain in July!

The location is


Henrik Frystyk                                
World-Wide Web Consortium,                              Tel + 1 617 258 8143
MIT/LCS, NE43-356					Fax + 1 617 258 8682
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge MA 02154, USA

Received on Monday, 5 June 1995 18:08:57 UTC