
[1.0] Who are you and how do you use libwww
Sushmita Roy. 
Tried using it for making a simple HTTP server to handle post requests.

[2.0] Your opinion of libwww

[2.1] In your opinion, libwww is (check all that apply):

[ ] useful to write sample code
[ ] useful for learning how to program a WWW application
[ ] useful to write production code
[ ] Other: please cite

[2.2] Do you find it useful that libwww is written in C

[ ] Yes
[x] No

[2.3] Please explain your previous answer
Documentation is not good. I wanted to implemement  a multithreaded server to handle post requests. The sample applications and the documenattion did not lead me anywhere.

[2.4] Do you feel that libwww too big?

[ ] Yes
[X] No

[2.5] If so, which parts would you like to remove, or move to other libraries

[2.6] What are the things that you like the most of libwww

[2.7] What are the things that you dislike the most of libwww
    No prope documentation

[2.8] What are the things that you would like to change in libwww
    Proper docs
[2.9] What are the things you think that libwww are missing
    proper docs
[2.10] Anything else you'd like to say

Section 3: The future

[3.1] Let's continue with libwww

[3.1.1] Do you think it's worth it to have a WWW library?

[X] Yes
[ ] No

[3.1.2] Do you know of any other similar libraries (please give a URL to
        the project if possible)

[3.1.2] Do you think it's worth it to invest time continuing enhancing
        libwww and its architecture.

[X] Yes
[ ] No

[3.1.3] Are you interested in joining the core team of such a project 
        (enhancing libwww)?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

[3.1.4]  If you are willing to write some new documentation or improve
         existing documentation, which topics are you willing to document?

[3.1.5] Anything else you'd like to say

[3.4] Let's invest our forces enhancing an existing project

[3.4.1] Do you think it's better to enhance another existing project (i.e.,
        merge our efforts)

[3.4.2] Are you interested in joining the core team of such a project
        (enhancing an existing project)?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

[3.4.3] Anything else you'd like to say

[3.5] Let's write it again

[3.5.1] Do you think the project should stop and start again from a clean

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

[3.5.2] Which language would you use and why (please take into account
        portability among systems)?
        C and C++. for both Linux and Windows
[3.5.3] Are you interested in joining the core team of such a project 
        (starting a new libwww project)?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

[3.6] Where to host it

[3.6.1] Should W3C continue hosting libwww or any other spin-off projects?

[X] Yes
[ ] No

[3.6.2] SourceForge (SF): How would feel if the W3C transferred libwww to a 
        SF project?

[3.6.3] Are you currently involved with any SF projects?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

[3.6.4] If so, do you think libwww would fit into that developement paradigm?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

[3.6.5] Do you have other suggestions of where libwww should be hosted?

[3.6.6] Anything else you'd like to say

[4.0] Your comments

[4.1] Anything else you'd like to say
Please give more samples and proper documentation.

Received on Friday, 22 September 2000 05:56:40 UTC