Newbie question

Hello All,

I just subscribed and have not received anything from the list yet. I'd like to describe my objective, background, and one, most important question regarding Jigsaw. All input will be gratefully received.

Objective: I have a potential client who needs a fairly low volume site. The key aspect of the site is the analysis of JPeg picture data POSTed by visitors. The site is for a public-service, non-profit corporation to support its fundraising. It is not a photo sharing service. Analysis of the picture content will require jpeg conversion to bitmap with subsequent analysis and I figured that a portable environment like Java would be the way to go.

Background: I have an Apache server running with which I do development and experimentation. I have no current Apache installations to maintain.

Question: Is anyone using Jigsaw as a production server? I looked in the FAQ for this information and found nothing.

Thanks for any information or guidance offered.


Mark Filipak

Received on Sunday, 7 October 2007 22:25:02 UTC