Re: Creating a new server handler?

On Tue, 7 Feb 2006, Laird, Brian wrote:

> I am working on creating a new server handler which would startup the
> embedded version of tomcat (5.5).  I need a little more of a
> sophisticated servlet/jsp container that what jigsaw offers through the
> normal stuff.  Plus, I figured it could be added back into the Jigsaw
> source to be used by other people.

That would be a good interim for a full fledge implementation in Jigsaw 
(the issue I guess is mainly with the servlet filters, no?)

> Anyways, here is my question.  I created a class called TomcatDaemon
> which extends the following interfaces: ServerHandler,
> PropertyMonitoring, Status.  I am able to start tomcat and get it to
> serve up content with no problem.  My issue is that when I open the
> admin GUI, I get a nice big dialog box proclaiming "Unknown Resource"
> with a bunch of squares after it.  After clicking "o.k." the GUI does
> show up but there is nothing in it.  So I can't configure my other
> regular jigsaw servers the way I want.  How can I get the GUI to either
> ignore the tomcat daemon instance or show it and just have nothing for
> the admin to configure?

Could you try to implement ServerInterface? This one is the resource, and 
the gui only deals with resources, so that might explain the issue you are 

Yves Lafon - W3C
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Monday, 13 February 2006 14:02:44 UTC