RE: Configuring SSL for Jigsaw 2.2.4



Can you send me your configuration file?  I have setup a number of
jigsaw servers with SSL.  The other key item is that you have to specify
RSA as the encryption algorithm when you create the keystore.




From: [] On
Behalf Of Faisal Javeed
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 5:52 AM
Subject: Configuring SSL for Jigsaw 2.2.4


 I am trying to configure ssl on jigsaw 2.2.4 using the document at 
I folllowed the steps in this help doc (used the keyalg RSA option) but
when i run the web server it shows the following message. 

loading properties from:
Unable to launch https-server: Unable to create server socket on port
443: No cipher suites supported by this SSL socket factory. 
Please check your factory, key store, store password and cerificates. 
*** Warning : JigAdmin[2.2.4]: no logger specified, not logging. 
JigAdmin[2.2.4]: serving at http://lhe1-wes-pc-017:8009/ 

Can anyone help me out in this regard. 

Faisal Javeed
INTECH Process Automation Pvt. Ltd.
119-B Tech Society Lahore-54590, Pakistan
Cell:      03334241582
Voice:   +92 42 5427001 (3 lines)
Fax:      +92 42 5411724

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