Re: Using Tomcat & WAR files under Jigsaw

On Mon, 21 Feb 2005, Laird, Brian wrote:

> In reading the docs it looks like you can easily enable JSPs under
> jigsaw.  The question I have is if anyone has been able to enable the
> deployment of WARs under jigsaw?  My guess is no but I thought I would
> ask.

I wanted to have an automatic WAR indexer, based on the Zip indexer to do 
that, but I didn't have time to do it, and with some WAR files I tested, 
it was almost impossible to deploy them by automatic means (most probably 
I use buggy ones :) ).
ANyway it's still on my todo list.

> Another question I have is can Jigsaw talk to Tomcat using a connector
> much like the apache http server does?
It looks like reinventing a binary HTTP to talk faster than regular HTTP 
It might be easy to do that by creating a new manager ala 
HttpManager or MuxClient.
I'll put that on my TODO list as well.

Yves Lafon - W3C
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Wednesday, 23 February 2005 10:20:37 UTC