Reply cannot be written two times

Dear all,

I am designing a filter that will recursively write
the Reply many times in its outgoing function.
When I only write one time, it is OK.
When I try to write it more than one time, there is
the problem. The output stream can be retrieved by
Reply.getOutputStream(). However, when I try to write
into the stream, there is one exception. We checked
our program. We make sure any write iteration is
correct if we only write it one time. We make sure
that we closed the output stream after first time
write. Still it cannot work, and the ultimate reply
message is the result that is writen by the first
round writing.
Could you please offer us any advice? BTW, my platform
is Jigsaw2.0.5

Thank you very much!
Best Regards
Red K

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Received on Thursday, 11 December 2003 02:03:39 UTC