Re: [Moderator Action] Getting a refernce to a server...

On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Durgadatt R. Kamath wrote:

> hi All,
> Iam fairly new to Jigsaw...
>  I wanted to use Jigsaw's realm to authenticate users...To retrieve the
> realm catalog, as far as I know, one needs to get a referene to the
> server...
> I know the following paths are possible...
> 1. Within a servlet I can use GetServletContext() to retrieve a
>    reference to the server via getServer()...
> 2. Using GenericAuthFilter - the sources show how to get the catalog...
>  If for any reason, I wish not to use the above two routes, and wish to
> get a reference to the server to get to the realms catalog, is there any
> other alternative path?

The easiest way would be to let the handling of authentication to the
AclFilter or GenericAuthFilter, your servlet will be called only if the
user passed the auth barrier.
However, if you need to get the auth realm, it means that your servlet
must know about Jigsaw's internals, and you may go to the Jigsaw resource
path instead (or Frame, depending on what you do)

Yves Lafon - W3C
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Wednesday, 26 February 2003 10:53:09 UTC