new devel classes and indexer configuration

Some new jars are available at [1]. There is also a new version of the
default indexer related to extensions, it add most of the well known
extension->resources associations, see [2]

The changes since 2.2.2 releases are:
+ SSL updates from Thomas Kopp
+ Fixed servlet flush notification to avoid race condition problems with
  sendError/sendRedirect and such.
+ Fixed http Client to avoid aborting on strange servlet related IOExceptions (see
  org.w3c.jigsaw.http.Client rev1.71 log for in depth explanations)
+ CgiFrame now display in the server console stderr of forked Cgis
  (prevent some cgi lockups on Win platform)
+ Added a way to restransmit some buggy but not defined in rfc2616
  headers (cookies, not to name it)
+ Invalidation of Location and Content-Location was wrongly assuming that
  resource were live in the cache, leading to errors for valid requests
+ Fixed If-Match if the resource ETag is weak (currently, it can happen
  only in the cache)
+ Fixed JpegHeaders to deliver XMP at the beginning of the XML and not at
  the beginning of the chunk
+ Fixed JpegComFrame, the parameter was unescaped twice, problematic with
  application/???+xml mime types
+ Added JpegXMPFrame, to extract automatically XMP from Jpeg images
+ Fixed revalidation in HTTPFrame when both If-None-Match and
  If-Modified-Since are present
+ Implemented Vary support and revalidation of negotiated resources in the
  client-side HTTP cache
+ Implemented 410 Gone permanent support via the new "shrinkable" flag of
  DirectoryResource (similar to "extensible" for for deletions)
+ Cached resources were incorrectly asking for revalidation every time
  once marked invalid.
+ Cache now serve HEAD from the cache
+ Cache now invalidate resource in Location or Content-Location for POST,
  PUT and DELETE, if host matches the requested URL
+ Added \CHAR escaping in quoted string of a header parameter
+ Client stack will retry requests only if it is a known idempotent resource
+ Fixed TRACE to allow it again to be proxied
+ Fixed bug in Expectation check in the proxy, and in the general case.
+ Fixed bug in header continuation parsing
+ GZIPFilter was incorrectly setting Transfer-Encoding instead of Content-Encoding


Yves Lafon - W3C
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Friday, 7 February 2003 04:58:54 UTC