Re: Number of java instances?

I believe in Linux, each THREAD gets a separate Process ID, even though it is not actually a separate process. So if, for instance, you do a ps command in Linux, you will see a separate listing for each thread. OTOH, in Solaris, where each thread DOES NOT get a separate Process ID, a ps command will only show a single entry.

Hope this helps,


At 6:22 PM -0800 1/15/03, Roger Marquis wrote:
>Has anyone noticed that starts a large number of java
>processes under Linux (RH 7.3, x86)?  I'm seeing 80+ java processes like
>this one:
>	...
>	root 7547 0.0 8.2 244268 15816 ? S Jan14 0:00 java
>	org.w3c.jigsaw.Main -root /usr/local/jigsaw/Jigsaw/
>	...
>whereas under Solaris (SPARC 5.8) there's just a single process:
>	root 19372 14.6 1.34930418104 pts/7 S 18:17:10 0:03 java
>	org.w3c.jigsaw.Main -root /usr/local/jigsaw_2.2.2/Jigsaw
>We're running nearly identical configurations on both platforms.
>Is there a reason for this difference, in either Jigsaw, Java,
>Linux, or Solaris?
>Roger Marquis
>Roble Systems Consulting

Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2003 22:09:53 UTC