Re: GNUJSP is .....

A JSP engine written in Java?  I could use that!

Aside from being Java source how does it differ from Tomcat?

Also, since it has not been updated in over 2 years (per the website)
are there concerns WRT compatibility with JRE 1.4.1(_01) and Jigsaw

Roger Marquis
Roble Systems Consulting

> You will find what GNUJSP is at this link
> It is a servlet engine you can plug into Jigsaw.
> You will find the instructions on how to plug GNUJSP into Jigsaw there
> aswell.
> I can assure you that I have already plugged it in and tested it.
> I am waiting for my ISP to redirect the traffic to my PC
> so that I can serve web pages using Jigsaw and GNUJSP.
> I happened to know a well known vendor whose
> webserver looks and works very much like Jigsaw.

Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2003 20:25:40 UTC