Re: Number of open files

On Tue, 6 Aug 2002, Vicini, Victor M wrote:

> I am getting a very similar error on our UNIX box. I have a servlet that
> writes to a txt file via JRUN and I
> am getting (Too many open files). How do I fix this ? Is there a fix I can
> put into the servlet that will close the
> file after it's use or is there something that needs to be done on the
> server.

limit descriptors #maxnum
Also you should check that your servlet is releasing the file handles,
either by GC or directly (the latter is preferred as you never know when
the GC will kick in).

Yves Lafon - W3C
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Thursday, 5 September 2002 06:09:55 UTC