Re:Re: Socket error with CGI(Perl)Frame

On Tue, 3 Sep 2002 wrote:

> Hello,
> Thanks for your advice.
> I also like to know about the Jigsaw architecture.
> Now,the configration of my server is below:
> (apache and Jigsaw on Windows2000 Pro)
> apache2.0<----->CGI Scripts<-->Jigsaw
> (port#80)                      (Port#8001)
> runs as servive   Perl5        Java SDK 1.3.1
> ---------------------------------------------
>             Windows 2000 Pro                 <-->router
> ---------------------------------------------
> Now, the Perl script has socket-function in the script
> and Jigsaw put a Socket write error. At the same
> timing, socket (xxx,xxx,xxx); on the perl scripts also
> put the Socket creation error... The CGI runs well on
> the command line or apache, so I think that no mistake
> on the perl scripts.

Can you start jigsaw with -debug on the cmdline? and capture the output?

> Ofcouse I entered the perl.exe path on the interpreter
> on the CGIFrame with indexer and linked to the CGI
> directory by PathDirectory.
> My question is why Jigsaw puts the error? Beacuse that
> the scripts on Perl should be executed on OS by
> separatly.

It should but I suspect things are missing in the context given to the
script or something else missing (like library settings for perl) that
cause the script to fail.

> Does Jigsaw simulate the perl.exe?  Or any problem of
> execution of running both apache and Jigsaw in terms of
> TCP connection?

No it shouldn't be this kind of problem, I tend to think it is a problem
in then environment given to the perl executable.
Traces would help :)

Yves Lafon - W3C
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Thursday, 5 September 2002 06:05:25 UTC