Directory Listing and more....

   I'm very new to jigsaw. I created a dir inside the www folder and set
rights to it with admin tool and it works fine. But I couldn't figure
out which classes where involved in making the directory listing which
comes up when I try to access this resource.

I'm involved in the development of a collaborative tool which needs a
webdav server. Jigsaw seems to fit this requirement quite nicely. My
application requires me to display the directory listing to an
individual user on his/her portal page. And, what I intend to do is, to
integrate Jigsaw and my application server at the object level. 
Would really appreciate some inputs on how I can display the directory
Another issue would be to achieve the tasks performed by the admin tool
from the application, for eg from a web interface.
In my case , a project manager should be able to set rights to a
resource .Is there an admin api that I can refer to ?

Thanx in advance .


Ps - check out
	Username :amjad
	Pass     :xxx

Received on Friday, 15 March 2002 05:07:28 UTC