RE: jigadmin and install.bat

> Actually the ..\classes\ is a hack, as I don't know how to get the
> location of the script in a bat file like on unix. If someone 
> can provide
> a better solution... :)
There's the variable %0 which gives you back the name of the batch
file. Then, there are many modifiers that you can use on this
variable to get various information (drive letter, ...). In your
case, to get the full location of the script, you would use %~dp0
(the ~ is the symbol for modifiers, d is for drive and p is for path).
Saddly, I think this does not work on Windows 95, 98 or ME (but
I'm 100% it works under Windows 2000 and NT4, and it should work
under XP).

For more info and other modifiers, please see :

Received on Friday, 26 July 2002 09:46:14 UTC