Pls resond ASAP...

Hi there, 

Here I am hitting the following error while installing sybase on solaris
using EXCEED(hummingbird) tool.. 
Please go thru the following error and please respond to the this Email Id 

Thanks & regards 

The error as follows:- 
Monitor Cache Dump:
sun.awt.PostEventQueue@FACBD860/FADC9978: <unowned>
Waiting to be notified:
"SunToolkit.PostEventQueue-0" (0x4fc6a8)
java.awt.EventQueue$1$AWTInvocationLock@FAC93CA8/FAF52B78: <unowned>
Waiting to be notified:
"main" (0x2efc8)
sun.awt.ScreenUpdater@FAC93018/FAE2D178: <unowned>
Waiting to be notified:
"Screen Updater" (0x6ac7f8)
java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock@FAC98338/FACCDCC0: <unowned>
Waiting to be notified:
"Finalizer" (0x6e4a8)
java.util.Vector@FAC94DD8/FAE51DF0: <unowned>
Waiting to be notified:
"Image Fetcher 0" (0x712ae8)
java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock@FAC983C0/FACCD890: <unowned>
Waiting to be notified:
"Reference Handler" (0x6c990)
java.lang.Class@FACA4E40/FAD2B5E8: owner "AWT-EventQueue-0" (0x4fd208) 1
Waiting to enter:
"AWT-Motif" (0x557198)
Registered Monitor Dump:
PCMap lock: <unowned>
utf8 hash table: <unowned>
JNI pinning lock: <unowned>
JNI global reference lock: <unowned>
BinClass lock: <unowned>
Class linking lock: <unowned>
System class loader lock: <unowned>
Code rewrite lock: <unowned>
Heap lock: <unowned>
Monitor cache lock: owner "AWT-EventQueue-0" (0x4fd208) 1 entry
Thread queue lock: owner "AWT-EventQueue-0" (0x4fd208) 1 entry
Monitor registry: owner "AWT-EventQueue-0" (0x4fd208) 1 entry
install.[75]: 11231 Abort(coredump)

Sunil Bangaru
Sybase DBA, GE Capital European Equipment Management
Satyam Computer Services Ltd. 
Harsha Towers,
Karkhana Secunderabad, AP, INDIA
Tel: +91 40 774 5566 Ext. 5883	DialComm: * 216 1032 
Dept. Fax: +91 40 7813813
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Received on Thursday, 18 July 2002 05:46:43 UTC