Re: HTTPFrame and JigAdmin

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001, Vogel Peter (FV/SLM) * wrote:

> Hello,
> I recognized a strange behaviour of the
> JigAdmin Tool
> I copied a (non empty) file "test.html" in the
> Jigsaw/WWW directory.
> Afterwards I changed the frame with JigAdmin
> from HTTPFrame to HTTPex. Finally I changed it
> back to HTTPFrame.
> When I try to access the file test.html from a
> remote PC with a browser the display is empty.
> I.e. the browser thinks to receveive a file, but
> it contains nothing.
> This happens only, when the frame has been changed
> (from HTTPFrame to "something else" to HTTPFrame).
> Why does Jigsaw sends an empty file? What do I have
> to change in order to receive the content of the file?

Hum I've never seen this behaviour, was the frames configured with
content-type set up the right way? (One of the current bug, the server
will cut the conenction instead of firing a 500 error message)

Yves Lafon - W3C
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2002 10:25:26 UTC