Re: reverse proxy or other options

On Tue, 18 Sep 2001, John Voiklis wrote:

> We are using Jigsaw to serve all static and java-based content on port 80, ie:
> At the same time we are using Comswiki (Comanche Swiki) to serve a Squeak Wiki
> ( on port 8888, ie:
> We would like to hide the port number from the client, and have them instead
> see...
> or
> I have combed the documentation and mailing list archives and cannot find a
> solution. I know how to set up a reverse proxy with Apache, but I am too new to
> Jigsaw.
> Can someone tell me how to set up a reverse proxy (or a better solution) in
> Jigsaw.

It can be done using the MirrorFrame,
You have to create a FramedResource, named "swiki" AND PUT  MirrorFrame
(org.w3c.jigsaw.proxy.MirrorFrame) on it.
In the configuration of this frame, at the bottom, you have "mirrors",
where you have to put the URL of the host you want to mirror, in your case
After doing that, you can bump the number of connections on this host,
a Proxy property should apprear (in the properties tab), set max
connections to 80 (depending on your server load, usually the default
should be ok).

for more information about the mirror frame.

Yves Lafon - W3C
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Thursday, 4 October 2001 05:14:07 UTC