Re: rdf x jpeg

On Wed, 9 May 2001 zanete@PR.GOV.BR wrote:

> I am trying configure jigsaw for rdf into images.
> How do I setup mime type?
> Where do I find references?

If you want all the jpg to be able to extract comments, you can modify the
default indexer. Otherwise create a new indexer and use it where you store
your pictures (that's whay I do).
The doc on "how to create an indexer" is available from [1]
The doc for addind an extension (jpg in our case) is available from [2]
For jpg, it should be created as a "org.w3c.resources.JpegFileResource"
with a "org.w3c.jigsaw.frames.JpegComFrame"
Don't forget to set the mime type of the picture (image/jpg) and of the
Hope this helps.


> Thankful
> Zanete

Yves Lafon - W3C
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Thursday, 10 May 2001 11:19:10 UTC