Jigsaw and JSP

About one year ago Yves said this about using Jakarta Tomcat with
Jigsaw. I have some questions about this matter.

> Yves Lafon wrote:
> The page about JSP:
> http://www.w3.org/Jigsaw/Doc/User/jsp.html
> (We will add screenshots soon ;)

Will be very usefull!

> in my classpath I have jasper.jar webserver.jar and xml.jar

I downloaded the latest version of Tomcat (3.2.3) and it doesn't have
the xml.jar file. I found some xml packages in webserver.jar. 
Does I need to the file xml.jar?

> I have a servlet setup:
> /servlet/jakarta-jsp
> with the following setup:
> it is a ServletWrapper, with a ServletWrapperFrame
> Servlet Class is org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet

Is jakarta-jsp a directory under servlet? If so, then why it is not a
DirectoryResource? When I create a directoy it is a DirectoryResource.
If I create a resource manually it is not a directory.

> and the following parameters:
> keepgenerated true
> sendErrToClient true
> scratchdir /tmp
> I added an entry in the indexer for the jsp extension with the following
> configuration:
> jsp is a FileResource with a ServletMapperFrame
> and the servlet url is /servlet/jakarta-jsp
> After doing this setup, every jsp will be indexed the right way.

Ok. In this case i need to put all my jsp pages in /servlet/jakarta-jsp
directory. Right? What can I do if I want to put my jsp pages in any
directory under WWW?

Thanks for any help.


P.S.: My Jigsaw is 2.2.0

Received on Wednesday, 25 July 2001 08:20:50 UTC