Re: Mvoing Jigsaw to JAXP for XML parsing...

I would like the whole world to move toward
use of Java Web Start and JNLP definition files.
This has a language that allows defining various 
application dependencies and classpaths and automatic 
selection and installation
of matching JVMs (even betas) and required 3rd party extensions
(including native libs).
This is particularly nice when previously optional extensions
suddenly get bundled with the latest JDK etc.
JNLP files can reference other JNLP files so that it should
be possible to separate responsibilities for each extension
to an expert.

Installation and upgrades would be a simple matter of
one visit to the URL of a top level JNLP file ;-)

It is still bleeding edge technology in the area of security as
all jars usually need to be signed.
I have an Object Signing certificate and I would be prepared to
supply some signed component jars to solve security issues.

David Li wrote:
> Hi,
>   A lot of Java packages depends on one implementation of XML parser or
> another. This makes integration of these packages together nasty because
> of the version and parser difference. Sun's JAXP seems to do a good job
> solving this problem.
>   We are planning to move Jigsaw to use JAXP instead of the current XP
> and Xerces dependence. I'd like to know what this list think about this.
> Thanks.
> David Li
> DigitalSesame

Christopher William Turner, "Serving fine Java
since 1996"

Received on Monday, 2 July 2001 06:27:51 UTC