Newbie Question: How do I run Jigsaw WebDAV?

I can't run Jigsaw WebDAV.  Can anyone help?

I installed Jigsaw, then I tried to install Jigsaw WebDAV on top of
it.  Jigsaw runs, but the WebDAV extensions don't.  My problem may be
the fact that I haven't been able to load the DAV template, but I
can't figure out the directions.  

Please feel free to flame with RTFM, just as long as you point out
which part of TFM I should R.


Peter Olsen, PE                                      703-516-7304
Principal Member of Technical Staff		 FAX 703-528-5918
The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory		SWBD 703-243-2600
1555 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 501
Arlington VA 22209

Scientists investigate that which already is; engineers create that which
has never been. --Albert Einstein

Received on Friday, 9 February 2001 10:11:54 UTC