servlets - linkage error

I had recently asked about an error I was
seeing from Jigsaw.  AutoReload was loading our
servlet and getting a java.lang.LinkageError.

Odd indeed.

Well, it turns out that when we first start Jigsaw
and hit it hard with multiple requests, all requesting
the same servlet, Jigsaw apparently doesn't synchronize
the loading of said servlet.

Thus, for each request it is processing at that point
it tries to load the servlet.  Obviously only the first
load makes it and the rest get these LinkageErrors.

Is this a bug?  Is there something I can set to say, "Hey!
synchronize the loading of this servlet!"



ps.  2.1.2 on the Windows 2000 platform.

Received on Monday, 5 February 2001 16:26:32 UTC