Re: Frustration browsing the root directory.

On Thu, 11 Jan 2001 wrote:

> I have the Root (docs_space) resource defined as a DirectoryResource with an
> HTTPFrame.  The Index attribute of the frame is set to null, so that I may view the
> contents of the root directory.  The Identifier of the docs_space is root.
> Now, when browsing the root directory (using Explorer), I see the root directory.  If
> I click on the root directory, my URL now becomes http://localhost:8001/root, and the
> directory contents are re-displayed.  This continues in a cyclical fashion
> .../root/root/root ....
> Is there any way to hide the root directory definition itself or change its behavior?
> (I tried deleting the root resource in JigAdmin, renaming the identifier, changing the
> Root Name property, etc. etc., to no avail.  The only thing that works is to display an
> html page instead of allowing the root directory to be browsed.)
> I would appreciate any comments you may have on this subject, or a pointer to
> documentation that I may have missed.

One solution would be to add an index to the root dir, this index being a
specific Lister that can remove some entries (like root).
(You can see org.w3c.jigsaw.resources.DirectoryLister and
computeContainerListing of HTTPFrame)

Yves Lafon - W3C / Jigsaw - XML Protocol - HTTP
"Baroula que barouleras, au tiéu toujou t'entourneras."

Received on Friday, 19 January 2001 10:54:29 UTC