RE: Handling Client-Side Cookies

Dear Gentleman,

  I was considering changing the Subject Line of this message to something 
like "Inserting Cookies and Both Feet into Mouth," but I would not want to 
confuse anyone (in particular, myself).

  I am still working in the Client-Side Jigsaw because my previous proposed 
"fixes" do not work that well.

  To keep things brief, I think that are two (2) problems in the Jigsaw code 
for handling Client-Side Cookies: the first problem is in the 
HttpSetCookieList.parse() method, and the second problem lies within the 
coordination of domain "tail matching" between the DomainTree.insertCookie() 
and DomainTree.getCookies() methods.

  Truly yours,
  John Philip Anderson

>From: "Danny Ayers" <>
>To: "John Philip Anderson" <>,        
>CC: <>
>Subject: RE: Handling Client-Side Cookies
>Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 20:36:14 +0600
>class Inc{
>public static void main(String args[]){
>	int a1, b1, a2, b2;
>	a1 = 0; a2 =0;
>	b1 = ++a1;
>	b2 = a2++;
>	System.out.println(a1+" "+b1);
>	System.out.println(a2+" "+b2);
>	}
>Output is :
>1	1
>1	0
>pre-increment (++a) is done before the operation, post-increment (a++)
>Java is fundamentally flawed in doing what it says it will, rather than the
>opposite ;-)

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Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2000 18:51:46 UTC