image not found

Hi jigPeople,

	for a while now i use and developpe jigsaw for our special system
here at Ericsson in Montreal, Canada.
the work is going on well.

i'm writting to you only to ask if you had debug jigsaw on many platform
(NT, unix or linux ...) because i saw that in many of your html files, there
are references to images using the following path << /Icons/ >> or this one
<< /icons/ >> . I dont think it cause problem on NT but on Unix (our system
is unix based), many web page appear without there image.

For my work, i replace all /Icons by /icons in all html and it correct the
gap for that prob.

anyways, this is just to inform you about what i experience

Yanick Gamelin

Received on Wednesday, 31 May 2000 12:55:04 UTC