Re: Jigsaw becomes unresponsive


Thank you for your response. It is a lot of work for
us to "try the latest release" since we have a product
that adds a lot of stuff to Jigsaw and every new version
is usually a several day porting effort.

If you have some specific things that changed to address
the problem I mentioned it might be easier for me to
back fit the changes to 2.0.3 which is the latest version
we're running under.

Thanks in advance for your comments. Being very specific
would be helpful.


At 06:26 PM 5/25/00 +0200, Yves Lafon wrote:
>On Thu, 25 May 2000, Dwayne Hull wrote:
> > We are currently using Jigsaw 2.0.2 on NT.
> > 
> > We have seen on several occasions that the server stops responding
> > under a heavy load, and never recovers 'till restarted.
> > 
> > We also sometimes see "overloaded" messages in the http log.
> > 
> > Changing settings that affect SocketClientFactory seem to change
> > the behavior somewhat but don't cure the problem.
> > 
> > I see that there has been a bug fix that "Fixed idle count
> > in the SocketClientFactory" .
> > 
> > Will this address this problem? Is this change compatible with Jigsaw 2.0.2?
> > If not, would you say what changed so that we could back fit the change?
>I debugged a lot of things there, with the experience of
>(which seems pretty slow from outside french research network, as 50%
>packet loss to reach it is not helping...)
>You should try with the latest version, or wait tomorrow for a new latest
>version ;)
>The problem I fixed was connections "disappearing" from time to time,
>because of a race condition, when too many were gone, the server was
>       /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
>   /\ /  \        Architecture Domain - Jigsaw Activity Leader
>  /  \    \/\    
>/    \   /  \ -    

Received on Monday, 29 May 2000 15:41:28 UTC