RE: ETAG: ...more info.

On Thu, 25 May 2000, Yves Lafon wrote:

> On Wed, 24 May 2000, Yanick Gamelin (LMC) wrote:
> > here is what i get when i set the debug variable to true.
> > this is when the client try to reach the home page
> > (
> Hum according to the trace, it looks like a frame is using the
> "tag" directly instead of using the wrapper (as I added an easy way to
> modify the ETag generation scheme, it apparently has broken some parts of
> a frame), can you give me the version number of Jigsaw and the
> configuration of this resource (just to speed up things)?

If fact no ;)
In HTTPFrame, in getETag()
just before
etag = HttpFactory.makeETag(false, etag_s);

if (etag_s == null) {
   return null;

It is already available from the CVS base (with lag, as, because of the
wonderful quality of the french research network, we had to use a two step
upgrade of the public cvs server...)

      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
  /\ /  \        Architecture Domain - Jigsaw Activity Leader
 /  \    \/\    
/    \   /  \ -    

Received on Thursday, 25 May 2000 11:47:08 UTC