Re: Jigsaw as application server...

John Brainard wrote:

> I downloaded Jigsaw recently for the reason that I'm looking for a
> web-server that I can use as a lightweight application server.

I would say Jigsaw is an excelent application server, but I don't think it is
exactly "lightweight".

I am using it with JSP pages, that act as clients for the JONAS EJB server.
The functionality I require is not exactly what you need (I need only
authentification and servlet support).

I am quite happy with the performance and features of Jigsaw. What I don't
like is the way it is configured, administered, etc. The administration part
is easy to deadlock, and not too simple to handle to an end user, once the
application is deployed.

It is easy to customize, the internal architecture is modular and well
documented, and being a pure java solution it can run "out of the zip" in most
hardware/OS architectures.

On the other side, if you will use servlets to handle the XML files, Jigsaw
could be OK. If you plan to do it with CGI or other non-java plugin, I don't
think it is the best solution. The way that java handles execution of external
processes is not very strong. This is not a fault of Jigsaw, but of the
internal architecture.

Other people may think very differently, but that are my feelings.
Nevertheless, I have recently deployed a intranet commercial application,
using Jigsaw as the WEB server and servlet container.

> What I am trying to do is write an MP3 server/player with various clients
> (running on Win32, Linux, etc...). The server end is to serve XML to the
> client and the client is to POST data to the server for requests. I don't
> want the standard request handlers in the web server that I choose to use.
> Has anyone successfully done this with Jigsaw (or any other Java
> web-server)? I'm currently using Medusa for Python, but I'm not confident
> that using Python will help to increase my value in the job market. I do
> want a viable solution for my problem here, but I want to do it in such a
> way that it looks good on my resume.
> Sincerely,
> John Brainard
> ICQ: 19668081

Received on Sunday, 14 May 2000 07:40:29 UTC