A hit Counter JigSaw 2.1.1


I have just come across Jigsaw and am amazed with what it can do in the
documentation, but I am having a few problems.  The first one is with the
JigAdmin tool.  I created a new file test.shtml:


My Hit Count <!--#hitcount -->


I add a resource of class name org.w3c.tools.resources.FileResource to an
identifier of test.shtml.  To this I then add a SSI Frame to let my server
side include work.  All I get on a web page when I view this is:
My Hit Count [unknown] 
My first question why is this unknown?  I seem to have followed the
documentation and am at a loss.  Also it appears that the changes I make
with the JigAdmin tool is not saved across either a stop and a start of the
JigAdmin tool or across a stop and a start of the server.  I have touched
the save button several times and this happens every time I run the server
and admin tool.  I grep through the config\stores and can find some files
with test.shtml in them.  It looks like these are then not used at start up.
Can someone fill me in if this functioning as it works today or do I have
some more configuration to do?
Finally one last question:  Is there a way to programmatically configure up
a new resource.  In other words I may want to add directories from a servlet
to a web server.  How can I configure those so they can be viewed.

Thanks in advance.

Received on Wednesday, 10 May 2000 12:54:17 UTC