beginner:php scripts,header attached to output Why?

Hi I am a beginner to Jigsaw server and php.
I got php and Jigsaw configured to work together to create a new
Using instructions I found at
However the php script although it works well and produces output, the
server always attaches the header to the output.
Hence I have my php file as 

<TITLE> Hello Date program</TITLE>
TODAYS DATE: <? print(Date("1 F d, Y")); ?>
AND when I say 
I get the following output

Content-type: text/html TODAYS DATE: 1 May 04, 2000

Why is the content/typw header automatically attached to my output. How
can I prevent this
ANy help will be greatly appreciated

Received on Friday, 5 May 2000 04:33:41 UTC