Re: First req.getParameter(String) in servlet horrible _slow_ ;-(

Roland Mainz wrote:

> > > A coworker found yesterday a nasty performance problem in jigsaw
> > > (jigsaw 2.0.4 with Tomcat 3.1 M1):
> > > A servlet receiving a large HTTP POST request consumes a lot CPU time
> > > (in our case it needs ~2-3 secs) in the first
> > > HttpServletRequest.getParameter() call.
> > > Any idea where the problem sits and how to solve this (without buing a
> > > UltraSPARC-4500 to power-out the problem =:-) ?
> >
> > Well, the parsing is done in org.w3c.jigsaw.forms.URLDecoder so the "problem" should
> > sits there. But I don't see anything that could slow down the request handling, this should
> > be a really really big POST! what's its size?
> Uhm, don't know - AFAIK it has ~100 entries each ~30 bytes long (unencoded).
> After seeking and travelling around the sources:
> 1.'s prepareQueryParameters() request.getInputStream() may be
> wrapped by a BufferedInputStream ...
> 2. What about using a BufferedReader in general within URLDecoder (which would obsoltete [1])
> ?
> 3. Is there a way to count the number of bytes in the stream (via req ?) ? Maybe it's possible
> to calculate the size of  URLDecoder's "buffer" array (which would avoid some
> reallocations)... !?
> 4. If [3] isn't possible, what about setting URLDecoder's "buffer" array to an initial size of
> 1024 bytes ?

OK, we tested a combination of [2] and [4] (with 256 bytes as the initial size) which drastically
improved performance (source attached).
It seems that most performance win is got from buffering the URLDecoder input...

Any comments ?



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// (c) COPYRIGHT MIT and INRIA, 1996.
// Please first read the full copyright statement in file COPYRIGHT.html

package org.w3c.jigsaw.forms ;

import* ;
import java.util.Hashtable ;
import java.util.Enumeration ;

import org.w3c.jigsaw.* ;

 * Form data decoder.
 * This class takes an InputStream and decodes it in compliance to the
 * <b>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</b> MIME type.

public class URLDecoder {

        System.err.println( "modified URLDecoder used." );
    public final static String EMPTY_VALUE = "" ;

    int         ch       = -1 ;
    Hashtable   values   = null ;
    byte        buffer[] = new byte[256] ;
    int         bsize    = 0 ;
    Reader      in       = null ;
    boolean     overide  = true ;
    private void append (int c) {
	if ( bsize+1 >= buffer.length ) {
	    byte nb[] = new byte[buffer.length*2] ;
	    System.arraycopy (buffer, 0, nb, 0, buffer.length) ;
	    buffer = nb ;
	buffer[bsize++] = (byte) c ;

     * Get an enumeration of the variable names.
     * @return An enumeration continaing one element per key.

    public Enumeration keys() {
	return values.keys() ;

     * Define a new variable in this data set.
     * @param name The name of the variable.
     * @param value Its value.

    protected void addVariable (String var, String val) {
	if ( overide ) {
	    values.put (var, val) ;
	} else {
	    Object value = values.get (var) ;
	    if ( value == null ) {
		values.put (var, val) ;
	    } else if ( value instanceof String[] ) {
		String olds[] = (String[]) value ;
		String vals[] = new String[olds.length+1] ;
		System.arraycopy (olds, 0, vals, 0, olds.length) ;
		vals[olds.length] = val ;
		values.put (var, vals) ;
	    } else if ( value instanceof String ) {
		String vals[] = new String[2] ;
		vals[0] = (String) value ;
		vals[1] = val ;
		values.put (var, vals) ;

     * Get the values of the variable, as an array.
     * Use this method when you have turned off the <em>overide</em> flag
     * in the constructor of this object. This will always return either an
     * array of Strings or <strong>null</strong>.
     * <p>I use this in the PICS label bureau, and I pretty sure this is not a
     * good reason to have it here.
     * @param name The name of the variable to look for.
     * @return An String[] having one entry per variable's value, or <strong>
     * null</strong> if none was found.

    public String[] getMultipleValues (String name) {
	if ( overide )
	    throw new RuntimeException (this.getClass().getName()
					+ "[getMultipleValues]: "
					+ " overide not set !") ;
	Object value = values.get (name) ;
	if ( value instanceof String[] ) {
	    return (String[]) value ;
	} else {
	    String vals[] = new String[1] ;
	    vals[0] = (String) value ;
	    values.put (name, vals) ;
	    return vals ;

     * Get the value of a variable.
     * If you have allowed the decoder to accumulate multiple values for the
     * same variable, this method casts of the value to a String may fail
     * <em>at runtime</em>.
     * @param name The name of the variable whose value is to be fetched.
     * @return Its values, which is always provided as a String, or null.

    public String getValue (String name) {
	Object value = values.get(name) ;
	if ( (value != null) && ! (value instanceof String) )
	    throw new RuntimeException (this.getClass().getName()
					+ "[getValue]:"
					+ " use getMultipleValues in:\n\t"
					+ name + " " + value) ;
	return (String) value ;

     * Parse our input stream following the
     * <b>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</b> specification.
     * @return The raw bindings obtained from parsing the stream, as a 
     * Hashtable instance.
     * @exception IOException When IO error occurs while reading the stream.
     * @exception URLDecoderException If the format is invalid.

    public Hashtable parse () 
	throws IOException, URLDecoderException
	String  key    = null ;
	ch = ;
	while ( true ) {
	    switch (ch) {
	      case '+':
		  append (' ') ;
		  break ;
	      case '%':
		  int hi, lo ;
		  if ((hi = ch = == -1)
		      throw new URLDecoderException ("Invalid escape seq.") ;
		  if ((lo = ch = == -1)
		      throw new URLDecoderException ("Invalid escape seq.") ;
		  hi = (Character.isDigit((char) hi) 
			? (hi - '0')
			: 10 + (Character.toUpperCase((char) hi) - 'A')) ;
		  lo = (Character.isDigit((char) lo) 
			? (lo - '0')
			: 10 + (Character.toUpperCase((char) lo) - 'A')) ;
		  append ((char)(((byte) lo) | (((byte) hi) << 4))) ;
		  break ;
	      case '&':
		  if ( key == null ) {
		      // We only get a simple key (with no value)
		      addVariable(new String(buffer,0,bsize), EMPTY_VALUE);
		      bsize = 0 ;
		  } else {
		      addVariable (key, new String (buffer, 0, bsize)) ;
		      key   = null ;
		      bsize = 0 ;
		  break ;
	    case ';': // HTML4.0: appendix b2.2:  use of ";" in place of "&"
		  if ( key == null ) {
		      // We only get a simple key (with no value)
		      addVariable(new String(buffer,0,bsize), EMPTY_VALUE);
		      bsize = 0 ;
		  } else {
		      addVariable (key, new String (buffer, 0, bsize)) ;
		      key   = null ;
		      bsize = 0 ;
		  break ;
	      case '=':
		  if ( key != null ) {
		  } else {
		      key   = new String (buffer, 0, bsize) ;
		      bsize = 0 ;
		  break ;
	      case -1:
		  // Same as '&', except that we return
		  if ( key == null ) {
		      // We only get a simple key (with no value)
		      addVariable(new String(buffer,0,bsize), EMPTY_VALUE);
		      bsize = 0 ;
		  } else {
		      addVariable (key, new String (buffer, 0, bsize)) ;
		      key   = null ;
		      bsize = 0 ;
		  return values ;
		  append (ch) ;
		  break ;
	    ch = ;

     * Create an URLDecoder for the given stream.
     * @param in The input stream to be parsed.
     * @param list Tells how to handle multiple settings of the same variable.
     *    When <strong>false</strong>, mutiple settings to the same variable
     *    will accumulate the value into an array, returned by getValue(). 
     *    Otherwise, the last assignment will overide any previous assignment.

    public URLDecoder (Reader in, boolean overide) {
        if( !(in instanceof BufferedReader) )
          in = new BufferedReader( in );
	this.values  = new Hashtable (23) ;      = in ;      = -1 ;
	this.overide = overide ;

     * Create an URLDecoder for the given stream.
     * @param in The input stream to be parsed.
     * @param list Tells how to handle multiple settings of the same variable.
     *    When <strong>false</strong>, mutiple settings to the same variable
     *    will accumulate the value into an array, returned by getValue(). 
     *    Otherwise, the last assignment will overide any previous assignment.

    public URLDecoder (Reader in) {
	this(in, true);

     * Create an URLDecoder for the given stream.
     * @param in The input stream to be parsed.
     * @param list Tells how to handle multiple settings of the same variable.
     *    When <strong>false</strong>, mutiple settings to the same variable
     *    will accumulate the value into an array, returned by getValue(). 
     *    Otherwise, the last assignment will overide any previous assignment.

    public URLDecoder (InputStream in, boolean overide) {
        if( in instanceof BufferedInputStream )
 = new InputStreamReader(in) ;
 = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(in) );
        this.values  = new Hashtable (23) ;      = -1 ;
	this.overide = overide ;

     * Create an URLDecoder for the given stream.
     * Default constructor, which will keep track only of the last setting
     * of the same variable (if ever it gets assigned multiply).
     * @param in The input stream to be parsed.

    public URLDecoder (InputStream in) {
	this (in, true) ;


Received on Thursday, 6 April 2000 11:51:58 UTC