Re: jsp:include => Request dispatcher not found

That's right, I forgot this case (Virtual Hosting), I'll take a look at it very soon.

Regards, Benoit.

Peter Schuller wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a problem with getting GNUJSP to work with Jigsaw and virtual
> domains. I'm not entirely sure if the use of virtual domains has anything to
> do with it, but I haven't seen this problem with GNUJSP and Jigsaw before.
> I'm thinking it *might* be a virtual domain problem in Jigsaw.
> The problem is that inclusion of dynamic documents doesn't work.
>    <%@ include file="afile.jsp" %>
> will work fine, but
>    <jsp:include page="afile.jsp" flus="true" />
> yields an IOException "Request dispatcher not found" in GNUJSP's
> auto-generated servlet.
> If I recall correctly, I would have the same problem if I did
> getRequestDispatcher("/blabla"), and "/blabla" did not exist in the
> context (and this might be affected by the use of virtual domains).
> I've got GNUJSP to work fine with Jigsaw in the past, but without
> virtual domains.
> Could this be a Jigsaw problem, or am I just missing something? Accessing
> the servlet directly works fine.
> Thank you,
> --
> / Peter Schuller
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- Benoît Mahé -------------------------------------------------------
                      World Wide Web Consortium   (W3C)
                    Architecture domain - Jigsaw Engineer


Received on Tuesday, 14 March 2000 08:19:02 UTC