Re: Jigsaw 2.1.1 testing

On Mon, 13 Mar 2000, Brax wrote:

> I tested following things : 
> putted a jigsaw 2.0.4 server in a directory, added jigsaw 2.1.1 classes there 
> and started the server. It worked fine, buiding its ressources and so on.
> I only got one trouble :
> when defining and https port ( using same syntax than the one used with 
> version 2.0.4; in fact parameters in http.props and https.props ), I cannot 
> use JigAdmin - it can't connect to server. Meanwhile, I'm able to use both 
> ports to access to server.
> When I remove the https port, I can use JigAdmin.
> This one might have something related with your 2000-03-03 version where you 
> fixed clone in httpd ...
> I tested with 2000-03-01 build of version 2.0.4 but didn't tried yet 2000-03-07 build.

This is strange, I managed to run httpd and https as a clone without any
problem, well yes with a "little" one, a problem while saving the internal
state... So it is better to avoid clones for now in 2.1.*, it is high on
the todo list. Unless your cloned http server is firewalled, it is not
very good to keep both anyway :)
What kind of traces did you got, while changing the port of https?
More on this soon.

      /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium - 
  /\ /  \        Architecture Domain - Jigsaw Activity Leader
 /  \    \/\    
/    \   /  \ -    

Received on Tuesday, 14 March 2000 05:37:03 UTC