RE: Jsp malefunctioning

What version of the JDK are you using?  I saw similar problems when I was
using JDK 1.1.7 on a Linux box.  I upgraded to 1.1.8 and the problems
disappeared.  I don't know if that is your problem here but you may wish to
give it a shot.


-----Original Message-----
From: Massimiliano Tarquini []
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2000 12:50 PM
Cc: JigSaw W3
Subject: Jsp malefunctioning

I'm using Jigsaw 2.1.1 under Linux Caldera 2.3, and i need Jsp environment.
I've installed all the file needed (servlet_2.1.jar and gnujsp10.jar) and
configured my server as described in install.jigsaw
but i have a little problem in my environment.
After i start Jigsaw

============= JIGSAW SCREEN ===========================
loading properties from: /opt/Jigsaw/Jigsaw/config/server.props
*** salvaging resource manager state...
*** resource store state salvaged, using: 1
*** Warning : JigAdmin[2.1.1]: no logger specified, not logging.
JigAdmin[2.1.1]: serving at
Jigsaw[2.1.1]: serving at
GNUJSP: Detected JSDK version 2.1

and i call my jsp file index.jsp

=========== INDEX.JSP=======================================
<%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>

<!-- This error page demonstrates a JSP ErrorPage used for
     catching exceptions thrown in other JSP pages, it is
     used by the ThrowException.jsp page -->

<head><title>JSP Error Page</title></head>

<body bgcolor=#ffffff>

<font face="Helvetica">

<h2><font color=#DB1260>JSP Error Page</font></h2>

<p> An exception was thrown: <b> <%= exception %>

<p> With the following stack trace:

    ByteArrayOutputStream ostr = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    exception.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(ostr));

<hr width=80%>


 =========== END INDEX.JSP=======================================

the browser show me an exception message like this :

Servlet has thrown

Do you now how to solve this problem? Thanks :0)))

Massimiliano Tarquini

"Se, in un primo momento, l'idea non è assurda, allora
non c'è nessuna speranza che si realizzi".
                                            A. Einstein

Received on Sunday, 12 March 2000 09:42:33 UTC