cgi script logger

Hello, I am runiing jigsaw on an irix 6.5 sgi unix system.I have
configured cgi scripts ( i.e *.cgi files ) by adding a cgi extension to
the default indexer and then configuring it as a file resource with a cgi
frame. Since I am dealing with perl scripts I have set the interpreter as
/usr/local/bin/perl, set Browsable, generates form to true.
Now here is my problem
For a simple test cgi script it works fine , I ma however trying to get
jigsaw to serve as a web interface to a crystallography package CNS. All
the cgi scripts for the interface respond with N  error in a
popup window

"The document contained no data . Try again later , or contact the server

NoW, I have no idea why this is happening . I can run the script from the
command line using perl <script_name.cgi> and it works fine.

I guess I need some way of tracking what is failing when i call the cgi
script from my browser.

Although I have a logger (org.w3c.jigsaw.http.CommonLogger) specified in
Jigadmin to write to errlog,logerr and traces files in Directory
Jigsaw/logs jigsaw stills starts with
the  message " No logger specified ". 
How can I keep track of whats wrong with my cgi application and get
logging to work.
Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Hariharan Jayaram
Graduate Student
Structural and Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics program
Baylor college of medicine

As an adolescent I aspired to lasting fame, I craved factual certainty,
and I thirsted for a meaningful vision of human life -- so I became a
scientist. This is like becoming an archbishop so you can meet girls.
							- Matt Cartmill


Received on Tuesday, 1 August 2000 18:34:51 UTC