Re: Support for Servlet API 2.2 ?


AFAIK there is no more JDSK2.2 (for instance)

You may want to go at
and download source code (or builds)

Le 11:54 24/01/2000 +0100, Benoit Mahe a écrit:
>Stop!!! ;-)
>I'll do it this week. BTW, I have a question, where can I find the JSDK2.2?
>I only found the specification. I know it is in Tomcat, but I didn't find it a
>JSDK2.2 distribution.
>Regards, Benoit.

| Luc Saint-Elie                                 |
| 7, rue Androuët                                |
| 75018  Paris France                            |
| Tel:  06 12 90 19 65                           |
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Received on Monday, 24 January 2000 06:01:50 UTC