Servlet is suddenly gone!

Hi there!

I am running Jigsaw 2.0.2 on a AIX system. The (Java vm is a 1.1.6).
The servlet has been running since june - restarts every night. For the 7. 
time jigsaw suddenly forgets the servlet - the configuration is simply 
gone! I have to setup parameters and every thing again. If i take a peek in 
the log the last entry reveals that Destroy was called. (Yes i have saved 
the configuration)

My question is what should I do?
What causes this? Theres no entrys in the log so i don't expect that 
someone is using the admin interface. And yes a changed the password.
Will it help to upgrade to 2.0.3 or 2.1.0?


Anders Meyer

Received on Wednesday, 29 September 1999 10:37:58 UTC