Re: parent resource of mirrorFrame?

On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Qiang Lv wrote:

> Hi all,
> Here are some questions about VirtualHost:
> 1. What is the parent resource of mirrorFrame? FramedResource? or
> something else? According to the online doc about VirtualHostFrame, it
> should be MirrorDirectory. But where is MirrorDirectory?

You probably read an old documentation, it should be on FramedResource, I
may update the reference documantation to make it clear :)

> 2. Suppose I configured a virtualHostResource named "virtual" with
> virtualHostFrame, and a passDirResouce named "sample" with httpFrame.
> Then , how can I name such a url: http://myoriginalhost/sample ??? or
> http://myoriginalhost/virtual/sample ???

It is use to mimic the use of multiple servers on one machine, so if your
machine has two names (name1 and name2) will point to the root resource (followup of the
virtualhost resource) and will point to your
mirrordir or your passdirectory or whatever.

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Received on Tuesday, 21 September 1999 08:45:17 UTC