init parameters

In a servlet I have e.g.:

public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException    {
  String value = null;

  // read in parameter value for dbDriver
  if ( (value = config.getInitParameter("dbDriver")) != null )
   dbDriver = value;
  // etc.......


Do I have to set any init parameter(s) in JigSaw (2.0.2) then?
If yes, how do I do it?
If I upload the /servlet folder with a servlet .class file,
why doesn't that file show up in the JigSaw Administrator until
I've called it (that particular .class file) at least once?
...and if I can't 'get through' at least once because I need to set
init parameters first...I'm really in the treadmill...

Received on Saturday, 18 September 1999 08:51:29 UTC