JigAdmin 2.0 problems in Jigsaw 2.1.0


My name is Ilian and I installed Jigsaw 2.1.0
on Windows 98 machine with Sun's JDK 1.2.2.
Everything works fine - I start the Jigsaw and Jigadmin Servers with the command
(the Jigsaw.bat script from the installation, first I run Install.bat) and I get the following message:

JigAdmin[2.0.1]: serving at http://mymachine:8009/ 

then I enter the login name and the password and the interface is started.
But when I try to go from the Admin to the HTTP server I get the message:
Cannot connect to server http://mymachine:8009 after 3 tries or something.
Is that a problem ???

And one more thing - I tried to make multihosting but the documentation seems
to be from the previous version of Jigsaw and it didn't work.
I could find the Space resource in the tree.
Do you have new documentation on the Virtual Hosting ???
And when I just added it to the Root and added a Pass Directory
resource and tried to enter the Pass-Target I got an error Java.something.String...
And do I specify the Directory only or the default file name as well ???

Thank you very much.
I will appreciate any information available about the above.


Received on Wednesday, 15 September 1999 11:00:31 UTC