Re: new Jigsaw release (2.1.0)

Yes !!!
Thanks guys !

What does the cache filter do ?

Yves Lafon wrote:
> The Jigsaw team is happy to announce the new release 2.1.0 release of
> Jigsaw [1].
> Check the summary of changes in the release notes [2]
> You will find:
> * XML Serialization of resources usnig JXML [3]
> * XML exchange of configuration files using also JXML
> Have fun with it!
> Note: the odd number in the middle (1) shows that it is an experimental
> version. The only thing that won't work in this release is the CacheFilter
> and the jdbmResourceStore (Well, the CacheFilter depends on the
> jdbmResourceStore, that's why it doesn't work).
> Your feedback is more than welcome!
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> In the next release, a completely new CacheFilter, some Metadata work in
> progress...
>       /\          - Yves Lafon - World Wide Web Consortium -
>   /\ /  \        Architecture Domain - Jigsaw Activity Leader
>  /  \    \/\
> /    \   /  \ -

- Augusto Sellhorn

Received on Thursday, 9 September 1999 10:45:36 UTC