Re: jsdk.jar

You can use the file called servlet.jar from Sun's JSDK 2.1 download.  There's
also a free (LGPL) implementation available at

Just change your jigsaw startup scripts to use the correct classpath to find
the javax.servlet.* classes.


Hernan Gouet wrote:

> Hello,
> I downloadad jigsaw 2.1.0, and for running servlets it indicated to install
> jsdk.jar.
> Where can I find it ? the link to javasoft in the documentation provides a
> new version with different .jar files.
> * Is still jsdk.jar the file to install ?
> * Is it an option to insall a diferent .jar file from the new versions ?
> Thanks,
> -Hernan

Received on Wednesday, 22 December 1999 18:19:58 UTC