Web Broswer connection


I am running the following:

 Solaris 2.7
 JDK 1.2
 Jigsaw 2.1.0
 my cpu host is "lewis"

When I execute jigsaw, using the command line below:

lewis% java org.w3c.jigsaw.Main -root $JIGSAW/Jigsaw -trace

loading properties from: /home/pmi/Jigsaw/Jigsaw/config/server.props
Jigsaw[2.1.0]: serving at http://lewis:8001/
*** salvaging resource manager state...
*** resource store state salvaged, using: 1
*** Warning : JigAdmin[2.1.0]: no logger specified, not logging.
JigAdmin[2.1.0]: serving at http://lewis:8009/

why do I get the salvaging ?

I can run jigadmin, and view the /Docs directory, etc.
So I can get a connection to jigsaw, via jigadmin.

However, I am unable to connect to my server, through my Netscape browser.
When I attempt to connect to jigsaw, via Netscape,
I get a connection timed out error:
"While trying to retrieve the URL: http://lewis:8001/Doc/Overview.html" 
The URL above, is obtained from a document's URL from the jigadmin tool.
Is there something I can do to see why jigsaw is not accepting a connection
request from my browser ?

It makes no difference, if I replace the host name with its IP address, or not.


peter maciver

Received on Thursday, 18 November 1999 11:52:54 UTC