can't load ODBC driver from cgi/perl

Dear Sir.

 Currently I have problem in using ODBC driver from perl
-cgi on Jigsaw.

 I made a perl-cgi script that accesses Oracle DB through
ODBC. But it can't load the ODBC driver.

  Error message is that :

Error connecting to DSN=demorin;UID=scott;PWD=tiger Error: [160] []

  Of course, it can be executed in the MS-DOS command-line and in cgi
through Microsoft IIS without problem.

  My environments are blow.

 - OS : Windows NT 4.0 SP5
 - Webserver : Jigsaw 2.1.0
 - perl : ActivePerl 521
 - perl module for ODBC : Win32::ODBC build 311
 - ODBC driver : Oracle 73 ver.2.5( 
                 or MS ODBC for Oracle(2.573.3513.00)
 - Oracle : Oracle 7.3

Daisuke Imamura

Received on Thursday, 18 November 1999 04:04:58 UTC